Thursday, June 9, 2016

Review: Into the Cold Fire by Lynne Ewing

Title: Into the Cold Fire
Author: Lynne Ewing
Series: Daughters of the Moon
Book Number: 2
Publisher: Volo
Publishing Date: August 1, 2000
Page Count: 264
Date Read: May 17, 2016
Personal Rating: FIVE

Brilliant Musings: This is the third time I've read this book. The first time was when I was in junior high school and the second time was in the last year of my undergraduate degree. It is really amazing how much you forget about a book that you read so long ago. I loved the book then and I find I still love it now. I guess that shows whether a book stands the test of time. This is the second book in the Daughters of the Moon series and is told from the point of view of Serena who has the gift of telepathy. She also seems to have an affinity for the dark side of the moon and the goddess Hekate. Now most people would think she was evil but as the book tells us Hekate was given the bad rap because she always escorted Persephone on her trips to the underworld. In this book Serena is under the thrall of Zahi a Follower who is trying to get Serena to step into the cold fire, an entity that will strip her of her humanity. Along the way another Follower, Stanton, seems to genuinely want to help her. Overall, I am extremely excited to re-read this series and to find out all the things I missed before.

Upcoming Review:

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Review: Goddess of the Night by Lynne Ewing

Title: Goddess of the Night
Author: Lynne Ewing
Series: Daughters of the Moon
Book Number: 1
Publisher: Volo
Publishing Date: August 1, 2000
Page Count: 294
Date Read: May 16, 2016
Personal Rating: FIVE

Brilliant Musings: This is my third time through this book. I read it for the first time when I was in junior high, the second was in 2010 and I read it again this month because I find it comforting. It might be because I read it as a teenager and loved it then that I read it again now and still love all of the characters and the story they tell. I don’t intend to rehash the plot of this book. If you are looking for a blurb about what you can expect check HERE or HERE.

As this is the first book the author began with the POV of a character who was all but unaware of her unique talents and identity. This allows the reader to uncover all the mysteries of the story right along with Vanessa, the main character. I recognize that most of the things that Vanessa and her friends go through in this book are aimed at teen readers, but as a YA lover I still love reading through and learning about the Daughters and I also love all the mythology that is interjected into the story.

The only thing that troubled me about the story was how easily everyone believed that Catty had simply run away. There wasn't much of a search on the part of the authorities and even Vanessa was hesitant to do EVERYTHING that was possible to find her so-called best friend. Maybe that is how runaway teens are treated in Los Angeles, but it rang a bit false to this small-town, Midwestern kid.

Overall, however, I think it is a good beginning to a really good series.

Upcoming Review:

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

New Me...New Blog...

Well, I attempted to restore my old book blog, but Blogger had other plans for me. So I have decided that since I'm working towards a new me physically...I will begin again with a new blog and a new name. I'm a little hesitant about beginning this adventure, again. Two years ago I quit book blogging because I went to grad school for the first time and couldn't keep up with both (I felt). I've since learned that having a blog doesn't require writing everyday and that I can take my time and I don't have to keep up with anyone but myself.

So here is where I begin. My first review will be up in the next few days. I would like to write at least one a week, maybe more depending on how much time I am willing to devote to this endeavor. This blog is mostly for keep track of what I read and what I think about them for future perusal. I also hope someone out there will find my thoughts useful.

PS...This blog won't focus on any one particular genre, but you might notice that my tastes lean towards YA Fic, PNR, UF, Historical Fic, Fantasy, Horror and Mystery. I'm trying to incorporate more non-fiction and classic literature, but it is slow-going.

Upcoming Review: